Uninistallation tool

Simon you can find one here; ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/support/tools/uitool/
But not sure if it is the latest!
Yes, and on the Bitdefender site, they have this:
But the tool itself seems to have been removed form the FS link.
Hi Blackcat,
The latest version will always be located in ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/support/tools/uitool/
Best regards,
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Hi Fendy,
That's fine, but where is a link to it that anyone can find?
I see this topic has been marked as solved, but I would respectfully dispute that it has, as the Uninstall Tool should, in my opinion, be easy to find on the website, and we still have no website link to it.
If there is a reason why FS Support don't want the tool to be made too freely available, I would be interested to hear it. -
Hi Fendy,
thanks for confirmation.
But for newbies it is still not clear on the main site where to obtain the uninstaller and even then on the ftp site it is not clear that this is the latest version.
Maybe the Uninstaller can be listed under the "Free Tools" section together with Online Scanner, Health Check and anti-theft. In fact IMHO, the uninstaller tool is more important than the latter 3 tools.
Further if you are to keep with the ftp site maybe it can be clearly stated that the uninstaller listed is the LATEST version. At the present time this is not clear with the date shown!
"That's fine, but where is a link to it that anyone can find?
I see this topic has been marked as solved, but I would respectfully dispute that it has, as the Uninstall Tool should, in my opinion, be easy to find on the website, and we still have no website link to it.
If there is a reason why FS Support don't want the tool to be made too freely available, I would be interested to hear it."
Where is the link? I found it through the manager itself. It's not even that hard, you just click the question mark icon on the top right, go on "help", then click "uninstallation", and it tells you how to do it. It's not hard, you really just open your eyes and not whine about it and mark petty little asides about them not wanting you to unistall it. Of course they don't, "if there's a reason why FS Support don't want the tool to be made too freely available"... et cetera. Well duh, of course they want you to use their product.
So, stop playing neglected consumer so hard, it's annoying for everyone, especially when the fault is your own, for just not looking very hard.
Thank you valued new member
if you take a look through a LOT of the threads on this forum a lot of users would like to know how to uninstall F-Secure completely and therefore would need access to the uninstall tool.
Unfortunately not all AVERAGE users are as computer savvy as you!
In addition I would like to think that all users would support rather than slag off other people who are Contributors using their valuable time to help others on this Forum.
So I look forward to your helpful comments in the future on F-secure products.
When their "valuable time" is used by being particular, petty, and petulant about issues which are, as demonstrated, easily solved, one has to wonder at the validity of their indignation.
Those people have access to the unistall tool, it's easy. They apparently, however, do not have access to exploratory skills. This is fine, some people are busy, or not computer savvy as you say. I accept these.
However, this doesn't justify the silly attitude some people take to it. Sure, be annoyed when you can't find it easily, but if it is the individual in question that is at fault, like here, it doesn't do to continue to try to blame the provider for what is, essentially, an inabilty to look properly. Whining is never polite, and it is especially intolerable when it is unjustified whining. Simply bowing out when you get the information you need is best.
Oh, I see you're maintaining your rather adolescent approach then? That's your due, after all. I suppose no one enjoys being called out on being foolish, and so continue their original course with greater solidarity, as marked here notably by your decision to refer to my being a new member, thus attempting to bring some semblence of validity to the condescension that then follows. Don't worry, it does make you come across as more adult.
Thank you all for your input. Everyone wants to have a positive experience while on the boards, please keep the discussion courteous and help each other.
As mentioned in the Welcome and guidelines.
"Your opinions are always welcome, but personal attacks and harassment ("flaming") in either the forums or through private messaging are not acceptable."
Thank you.
I don't see what your problem is. If you have a disagreement about a post, why not make your case positively and politely, rather than attacking an established member, who you accuse of 'whinging' in your very first post!
To clarify, the uninstallation tool to which I refer is the dedicated F-Secure Uninstallaton Tool, which is used to completely erase F-Secure from a users computer. This is sometimes needed even if the user intends to reinstall the product, as some issues require a complete removal and reinstall. This is different to the default program removal utility within Windows, which often does not entirely remove all instances of a program.
As other security products have easily found links to their uninstallation tools on their websites, I am merely suggesting that F-Secure should do the same. Providing a link in a thread to the tool is fine, but it's not a permenant and prominent link that can be found easily by users.
Is that OK? -
"I don't see what your problem is. If you have a disagreement about a post, why not make your case positively and politely, rather than attacking an established member, who you accuse of 'whinging' in your very first post!"
My problem is the approach you have towards the notion of the problem being "resolved". You state that there is no link to it easily accessible to the consumer, and then continue therein to show indignation that such a thing is the case. This, however, is false, as there is a dedicated FS uninstallation tool accessible from the programme itself, easily. My problem is that you continue to show indignation at the situation which is, in every way, your fault. I stated that you were whining, for that seems an apt description of a complaint that doesn't cease at it's proper resolution (the alternative offer of a help by Fendy) and is inherently flawed, ie; that such a tool is present for the consumer.
If one cannot do a thing, they ask for help from the suitable source, as you did. After recieving help, they then make their thanks, and end. This is the polite conduct. You did not do this, you from the off made the assumption that the FS software or website were somehow at fault, as opposed to yourself, and continued along this line. It is this assumption which I take issue with.
"To clarify, the uninstallation tool to which I refer is the dedicated F-Secure Uninstallaton Tool, which is used to completely erase F-Secure from a users computer. This is sometimes needed even if the user intends to reinstall the product, as some issues require a complete removal and reinstall. This is different to the default program removal utility within Windows, which often does not entirely remove all instances of a program."
I am aware of what you are referring to; indeed, my computer is not a Windows computer.
The tool is part of the FS Protection software. If you open it, and click the icon with the question mark in the top right corner, and click "help" then click "uninstallation", it directs you to the uninstallation tool that is a part of the original software you dowload. You then unistall it, and everything is gone.
"As other security products have easily found links to their uninstallation tools on their websites, I am merely suggesting that F-Secure should do the same. Providing a link in a thread to the tool is fine, but it's not a permenant and prominent link that can be found easily by users."
After the above, I believe your complain here to be largely redundant. It would generally be the assumption that the "unistall" options would be found in a "help" menu.
I do apologise for the brashness of my responses thusfar, it is merely that after many years in retail management, I begin to loose patience with those who inappropriately apportion blame, and do so with apparent vigour. Even so, I beg your pardon for any undue hurt you've felt at my objections with you.
"The tool is part of the FS Protection software. If you open it, and click the icon with the question mark in the top right corner, and click "help" then click "uninstallation", it directs you to the uninstallation tool that is a part of the original software you dowload. You then unistall it, and everything is gone."
I have followed your instructions to the letter both in the Technical Release/ Beta and the new 2014 IS suite but I do not see your results.
Can you give more precise step by step instructions including the version of FS you are using? Thank you.
Hi Enfcmedic384,
For Mac, you can always get it from here:
Best regards,
Fendy -
Thank you for all the feedbacks and comments given, these are very important to us and surely will guide toward our improvements.
I have opened a thread for the Uninstallation Tool download links, hope this will provide some helps.
Best Regards,