When did F-secure America get a 1-866 number?

Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

I never remember that as the number and it seems I can never get through? What happened to the six something number for tech support? Does anyone still have that number and can you please post it so I can use that for help instead?





  • Hi Rich!


    Are you calling the support number from within the U.S.?  The 866 number may not work from outside of the States, and unfortunately I am unaware of any other number to call.  Maybe someone else knows?


    Otherwise, try contacting the U.S. office by any of the means below, and perhaps they can let you know what's going on with their support phone number.


    Tel. 1 888 432 8233
    Fax 1 408 350 2339
    Consumer Technical Support 1 866 295 2725
    Corporate Technical Support 1 888 432 8233 option 4, option 1
    timezone: PST = Pacific Standard Time = GMT-8h
    e-mail: sanjose@f-secure.com


    Please let us know if you find a solution to this, or a new phone number!


    // Chrissy

  • Hello Enfcmedic384,


    You can also find the complete list of our support numbers for consumer here.



    Hope that helps you.

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