Just Downloaded FS 2014 Love The New Look BUT MY Updating is a problem?

Dear F-Secure peeps,
When I downloaded my definitions all it kept saying was updating and updating and now thanks to the new software I can see via the log when those parts of the AV engine even get installed! The problem is it starts with the updates it states they are all downloaded and clicks on green as in all ok but it took over 15 minutes to install those updates? What gives? Has anyone had the same experience? If so is something wrong? Please help me out I took a quick screen shot/capture and enclosed you will also find the update logs I hope they copy and paste and are intact. I am sorry guys it is the begining of the School season and I am back in school and I take classes online and when ever I have problems I trust F-Secure for my stuff from school and this is why I am back asking for help. Please help me out if you can.
I am asking for this help because I need to take an online Math Class and the fact that this is happening may be proof that I have something malware related going on. The reason being is everytime I go and try and register at mypearson.com for my mathlab course ID it kicks it back and this has happened among other signs of malware that is why I think I need F-Secure help more than anything or the library for the math class.
Thanks So Very Much,
Dear Rich,
Are those updates updated eventually? If so, 15 mins to get them installed might be normal, depending on the speed of your hard disk writing. Bear in mind that each update gets installed individually, and in the first installation of the product it will be up to 200mb of products updates.
Regarding your problem accessing the website, what kind of error does it give you back? Have you tried using a different browser?
From your problem description, it is very likely that your system is in fact clean, but to be absolutely sure and get peace of mind I would recommend to do the following:
1) Run a full scan of your computer. Please go to Settings -> Manual Scanning to enable “Advanced heuristics” and disable Scan only known file types. This will enable a more through scan and is highly recommended especially if you suspect an infection.
2) For additional safety please enable “advanced process monitoring” in the real-time scanning settings and let the computer run in that regime for one to two days depending on how much you use it. This setting will slow your computer down somewhat, albeit insignificantly unless your computer runs only with the minimum hardware recommended for the operating system alone. This setting is specifically recommended in case you suspect an infection, and not needed otherwise in everyday use (unless you work in a high security or high risk environment).
3) Submit that precise website to our Malware department to have the site itself analyzed:
Open the F-Secure Sample Analysis System website:-
- Please Sign up for an account then log on at Sample Analysis System.
- Submit the URL of the site for analysis.- You will receive a case ticket [FS-TXXXXXX] from our Security Lab after you submitted the URL sample on F-Secure Sample Analysis System. Our Security Lab will work on it and get back to you directly.
Please let us know if you require further assistance.Regards,
If you are still having problems after a full scan with F-Secure, double-check for possible malware with an on-demand scan with the FREE MalwareBytes scanner; http://www.malwarebytes.org/lp/lp4/
(Picture shows my PRO version)-free version is fine as a backup scanner to F-Secure.