DeepGuard Win7: 0 programs. XP: 217 programs (aut. allowed)

I have the same F-Secure product running on a Win7 and XP pc. (the product is renamed/packaged from my ISP)
On the Win7 there are 0 allowed programs for DeepGuard.
On XP there are 217 allowed programs for DeepGuard, including programs from F-Secure.
In the top of the DeepGuard window there is this information(translated to English):
"The list does NOT contain known trusted/secure programs".
So why are programs from F-Secure in the list?
Is this normal?
Why does DeepGuard automatically add 217 programs in XP, while in Win7 it hasn't needed to add anything?
No upgrade that I can recall, but It was installed about 2 years ago though. My Win7 was installed only 8 months ago.
Can I delete all these 217 programs from the list, or should I rather re-install the latest version?
(I just would like a clean product and settings, without having these 217 programs in the list. Like on my Win7) -
It is safe to remove all those automatic entries from that list. The worst that could happen is that the product just analyzes the applications again puts them back there. If that happens then there is something wrong with the detection of known safe applications in that system.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products