F-Secure treats cgminer and bfgminer as threats?

When I tried to run cgminer or bfgminer, F-Secure will blocked its running.

but cgminer and bfgminer are both open source bitcoin mining softwares.

cgminer download link: ck.kolivas.org/apps/cgminer/3.3/cgm...3.0-windows.zip
bfgminer download link: luke.dashjr.org/programs/bitcoin/fi...10.10-win32.zip



Edited: URLs removed.


  • gbstack
    gbstack Posts: 2

    Sorry, the download links I provided before is not complete, following are correct links:


    cgminer download link: ck.kolivas.org/apps/cgminer/3.3/cgminer-3.3.0-windows.zip

    bfgminer download link: luke.dashjr.org/programs/bitcoin/files/bfgminer/2.10.10/bfgminer-2.10.10-win32.zip


    Edited: URLs removed.

  • Hailan
    Hailan Posts: 50 Active Engager

    Hi gbstack,


    After downloading both of those files and extracting them they were detected as viruses and quarantined? Is this what happened to you?


    Could you elaborate more on what you mean by "F-Secure will blocked its running.", did you mean:


     1: The programs are detected as a virus and removed/quarantined?

     2: The application gets blocked when it is executed/launched?


    I have sent the files to be analyzed by our malware experts and will update you with the details once the analysis is complete.





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