F-Secure for Mac disrupts Dropbox

mkyed Posts: 2 Observer

With F-Secure Anti-Virus for Mac enabled my Dropbox is unable to finish syncing. It just stays with "Updating [n] files" and a file which it reports as being in use. Before you argue it has nothing to do with F-Secure, the problem has emerged with the installation of it and disappears again with the fsavd service disabled (using "sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.f-secure.fsavd.plist").


Any suggestions on what to do to fix it?



  • Hello Mkyed,


    In order to get a better picture of your issue, could you precise the OS and software versions involved?

    Also is it always the same file that is reported as being in use and prevent the syncing to complete? If so what are the characteristics of this file?


    Thank you

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