How to let F-Secure Online Scanner though Windows Firewall

JFG Posts: 1


I create outbound connection rules in Windows Firewall for programs on an as-is basis, i.e. by default everything outgoing is blocked.


I downloaded the online scanner and created a rule to let "F-SecureOnlineScanner.exe" through (keeping all other defaults), but it still gets blocked? I turned off WF and F-Secure worked ok. Turning on WF blocked it again. The logging on WF is quite poor so I cannot tell exactly what is accessing the firewall (unless someone knows how) :-(


I checked with SysInternal's ProcessExplorer running and I saw that the exe calls "" and "sremoval.dat". I was a bit surprised to see that it also opened two TCP/IP connections: TCP 5148 and UDP 50733 to but I'm assuming that's a security agreement with Adobe?


But anyway I'm thinking there must be some dependancy between the F-Secure executable and some other program/service as I have run into these blocking dependancies issues before: for example, to get MS Security Essentials to work, I had to allow Windows Update through too, even though there's no obvious link between the two applications. I'm assuming it's something similiar here.


Any help would be appreciated Smiley Happy Thanks.

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