How to let F-Secure Online Scanner though Windows Firewall

I create outbound connection rules in Windows Firewall for programs on an as-is basis, i.e. by default everything outgoing is blocked.
I downloaded the online scanner and created a rule to let "F-SecureOnlineScanner.exe" through (keeping all other defaults), but it still gets blocked? I turned off WF and F-Secure worked ok. Turning on WF blocked it again. The logging on WF is quite poor so I cannot tell exactly what is accessing the firewall (unless someone knows how) :-(
I checked with SysInternal's ProcessExplorer running and I saw that the exe calls "" and "sremoval.dat". I was a bit surprised to see that it also opened two TCP/IP connections: TCP 5148 and UDP 50733 to but I'm assuming that's a security agreement with Adobe?
But anyway I'm thinking there must be some dependancy between the F-Secure executable and some other program/service as I have run into these blocking dependancies issues before: for example, to get MS Security Essentials to work, I had to allow Windows Update through too, even though there's no obvious link between the two applications. I'm assuming it's something similiar here.
Any help would be appreciated Thanks.