LANGUAGE used on the Renew Subscription webpage

My FS IS subscription ends soon.
Whenever and wherever I try to reniew my subscription, I get to the Renew Subscription webpage:
which is in Finnish.
And I don't speak Finnish... (please don't blame me for that. I know that every foreigner must speak the language of the country of residence).
But since FS offers to select the language (FI/SE/EN), English IS selected in my profile settings. Yet, this setting is ignored on the Renew Subscription webpage.
Therefore, either I find the way to renew my FS subscription or find another antivirus company.
Hi Dima,
My apologies for the inconvenience caused.
The webpage link you received in your e-mail is a direct URL to the promotional campaign page which offered to customer from Finland. Please select the renewal offered then proceed to the Shopping Cart, there are option to change the "Language" and "currency" in-used for your order on the upper-right corner.
Else, you may check on this webpage to renew F-Secure Internet Security on global site.
Best Regards,