FSIS 2012 how do I reinstall the package ??

Hi (again)
I have an installation that doesent work, and i have tried to reboot 2 times, let it be for an hour, and that doesent work either...
How do i reinstall...
If i use the network-installer.exe i cannot install anything without a license number...
I regend that is wrong ??
Please log in to beta.f-secure.com. You should see under "resources/tools" section an uninstallation tool. That should clear out the broken installation. Then you should get the installer from "resources/installer & release notes" and use that because it has your unique identifier embedded so that you don't need to enter anything while installing.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
When this one goes live it's without serius bugs. That's why we have to test al the beta version and give as mutch information as we can. It never gave me problems to uninstall software on my computers. Usually i use something like windows7 manager to do a full uninstall. Its searches the registry and extra files for deleting.
Normal customers don't instal and uninstall. They proparbly never notice the problems with a peace of software. And if they do i know for sure the real reason is never discoverd. They don't know, and don't care