FSIS 2012 alle FS services down, cant start a command line tool ? - is that ok ?

Sorry to bug you again.. i´m a pain in the ***
But i have to ask...
I tried to shut down all F-Secure* services, and tried to start a comand line scanning (dident know how) tried some *.exe files, but nothing started...
Tried some af these files under ..\anti virus\ and under common / 2 diff maps of common...
Can i start a GUI if the services doesent starts ? (from CMD)
Can i start a command line scanner (from CMD)
Lets hear from you..
Just fooling round
Stopped all services, DL a test virus,and want to scan, but i coudent start the program...
Tried to start it via start-programs-f-secure... diddent start..
tried to start anything from some of the folders, but i dident found the right program, no one starts...
I don´t know if it coud be an idea to have a "stand allone" GUI that coud work ??
Or a command line.. fro 3. parts programs, taht coud call to scan a file with parameters ??
I regend that it coud be a great thing to have a "stand allone" program, that coud start without the service !
We have standalone scanner available here:
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products