A new tool which allows users to upload files for analysis

Posts: 62 Active Engager
Just like comodo add a tool which allows users to submit files for analysis. Users will be able to upload files with extension that are most susceptible for infection by malware.
Hi viktik! Do you mean something like this? http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/labs_global/submit-samples/sas
That is just the functionality we could have used many times i.e. uploading samples straigth from the product to report false positives or unclear detections. It is sometimes quite difficult to send sample, since every machine detects something and quarantines it before we are able to submit sample.
The same goes for the support ticket, it should be uploadable directly from the tool to create a ticket. Especially when the fsdiag file is much bigger than what support upload page supports (25 MB).
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