You can download it here: http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/support/installers
Any Internet Security key is valid for any version of Internet Security; in other words, key is not fixed on the version, but rather on the product type -
> Any Internet Security key is valid for any version of Internet Security
As far as I know, that is not entirely true. If someone has an unused, older year F-Secure activation code and uses it with the FSIS 2012 / 2013 installer binary, he or she will only enjoy the product features that have been present in FSIS 2009/2010/2011. He or she is not entitled to the new features that have been implemented in the recent editions.
Furthermore, I think F-Secure 2008 and older year licence keys cannot be activated any more, as they have been deleted from the keying server.
Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.