Installing Antivirus Software a virgin Computer

stresscalcs Posts: 7 Observer

I have just assembled a new computer and installed Win 7 (systembuilder copy) plus SP1 plus major patches by using WSUSOFFLINE.

So far I have not accessed the internet from this new computer.


Now I would like to install Antivirus software before making the first Internet connection.

I have F-Secure licenses to use, but how do I get a F-Secure copy (equivalent to Product CD) downloaded onto another fully protected computer that I can then copy to and install onto the new computer?

This was possible before. The only thing I can find is a binary installer that needs an internet connection from a computer that has no protection!


Does F-Secure guarantee that connecting to their Servers via the internet is 100% safe without Antivirus software?



  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 745 F-Secure Product Expert



    We only have online installer. The online installer verifies that all packages it downloads are signed by F-Secure. With Windows 7, if you run the installer as the first thing and don't go surfing into strange places while it's installing, you should be safe.


    What you had before with offline installer (CD) was a false sense of security. The CDs are usually done months earlier than when they go to sales. That means that the virus definition databases are very old and latest viruses may pass undetected. Until you were online and downloaded the latest virus definitions, you were not truly protected.





    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • stresscalcs
    stresscalcs Posts: 7 Observer

    I realise what you are saying but I quote you "and don't go surfing into strange places while it's installing, you should be safe." My bolded text.


    A downloadable CD image could be current (within a few days) and would be safer for such a situation.

    Such an image could be made available only to current license holders.

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