F-Secure and Outlook2013

I have just installed Office365 on a Windows7 platform. When trying to use Outlook it crashes and restarts every 60 seconds. In the errorlog you can find the following message everytime:
+ | System |
| ||||
- | EventData |
15.0.4481.1508 |
513f4742 |
fsscmso.dll |
1.2.7480.0 |
4adc4980 |
c0000005 |
00003c35 |
1924 |
01ce4e163343c427 |
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\OUTLOOK.EXE |
C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure Internet Security\Spam Control\fsscmso.dll |
b931a7de-ba09-11e2-aa66-8e0b42f9979b |
What can be done?
Hello afms,
Could you precise which f-secure product you are using? Could you try to disable the spam filtering module before launching outlook as it seems to be involved in the crash?
In any case in order to investigate better your issue, could you kindly open a support ticket?thank you.