After New Win7 DK installe, after a while, it says "your protected" but under

After new install win 7, and after install og FSIS, the program is running...
The image below, was says all is ok, you´r protected...
And the second images,below says the database is been updated (and then i´m not protected) or i´m wrong ??
Hope you can follow me...
All secuity features are up to date. -but under
Then i´ts not updated, then it can be secure...
Hope you get my concern...
That small triangle in front of the text means that it could not find the correct text from localizations and thus is showing the default text. So what it's actually trying to tell is probably something else than "up to date" but can't find the correct localized text for that. We will add the missing localization in next release.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products