F-Secure Corporate Training - World Tour 2013

Hello everybody!


As some of you already know, I am working as a Senior Technical Trainer, and my main field of work is on Corporate products.


Lately I have been trying get back on track with live trainings for our partners and getting the training materials up to date.


To provide best value in material creation, I do need to get feedback from real users, which I do meet in training classes as well as online here. So your feedback is appreciated! If you do miss something from our trainings, let me know. If you have been missing our training, let me know about that too, there is World Tour going on, and if your country is not in, let's discuss about it -> ask your F-Secure representative to arrange a set, if there is enough interest, i do not see why not?


And while I am going around, I try to start F-Secure Community Meetups. I will announce a time and a place where I will go on one evening, after the training class. If you happen to be around and interested, join in!


Curitiba Meetup will be on Tuesday 2nd of April, at 18:00. In a location which will be revealed tomorrow.


Week 14: Curitiba, Brazil

Week 15: Stockholm, Sweden

Week 20: Tokyo, Japan





  • Sorry for the delay in announcement, but here we go.


    Meetup is tomorrow, 2nd of April 2013 at 18:00:


    R. José Saboia Cortes, 383





  • Drehmer
    Drehmer Posts: 1

    Count me in :)

  • Ready to go Smiley Happy

  • netbaroni
    netbaroni Posts: 1 New Member

    let´s for it

  • Guerra
    Guerra Posts: 1

    I GO TOO!!!! Smiley LOL


  • The party is on!



  • The party is on!



  • Oh my!


    Due to some technical issues, we seem to sit sideways.


    Thou shall not worry! I can guarantee we were all sitting in ordinary, upright orientation, at least until the time I left the place Smiley Very Happy


    Thanks to all who did make it to the bar!

  • Hi all!  Just a note to let you know that I have moved this thread from Speaker's Corner to the News and Feedback board, so that a Community account is not required to view the topic Cat Very Happy


    Of course, all feedback is appreciated, so we encourage those without an account to go ahead and create one, and comment or give Kudos to this unique event!



    F-Secure Community Manager


  • Heja Sverige!


    As I am delivering trainings in Stockholm on 10th and 11th of April, I do invite everyone to

    Stockholm Meetup


    And due to my lack of brilliant ideas and bar knowledge, I do suggest the meeting to happen in

    The Ardbeg Embassy  http://www.ardbegembassy.se/

    Västerlånggatan 68, 111 29 Stockholm


    Wednesday 10th of April 2013 at 19:00


    I do not have, nor have planned to have a table reservation, so if you, as a well informed person do know about place being crowded then, let me know and we can figure out another place to meet. So please 1) inform if you plan to join and 2) check for updates later



  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 1


  • Party Hård!


    First nordic Meetup was yesterday at the Ardbeg Embassy.

    Meetup, the Swedish community

  • World Tour keeps on going!


    Week 23: London

    Week 25: Krakow


    And, starting on week 20, there will be new, Intermediate End Point Security training, which combines former PSB and PM&CS Intermediate trainings.


    Initially the material is for instructor led trainings only, but sooner or later the material will be in Click How too

  • Next Community meetup is in Tokyo, Japan



    In Hobgoblin Akasaka!


    Meet you there at 18:00 on Friday 17th of May!


  • Next Community meetup is in Tokyo, Japan



    In Hobgoblin Akasaka!


    Meet you there at 18:00 on Friday 17th of May!

  • japan meet.jpgCommunity meeting in Japan gathered Me to a Pub with 3 dudes from our office.


    Training week in our office, brought up couple of interesting questions:


    In our Trainings, we do cover installation and troubleshooting, as well as basic settings. But how about the daily life? What to check and when? What to keep in mind?


    An excellent question! Indeed, our trainings are not covering this topic at all, and this question has never been asked before. 12 points to Japanese guys for this. I shall work on this and try to have at least slide or two. If you have 2 cents to share on this. let me know!


    What do we do and do not do with the customer contact information gathered in PSB?


    Another brilliant question which deserves some kind of answer on a slide! Will check this out.


    End Point Security Training

    This was the first run of combined Policy Manager & Client Security + Protection Service for Business training, of course there are multiple little checkpoints at my notebook to make the material better and more convenient, but in general I do have a feeling that this is a right move to do. It just needs a little bit of polishing :)


    A bonus question to all you members out there!

    You see the little happy white partyanimal sitting at the middle of the picture above? He is our Training World Tour official partymoose, who shall be seen in awkward situations and more or less suitable places where I might be seen :) But there is a minor problem, this fierce creature needs a name!


    So a small competition: Suggest a name for this adorable animal, and if your suggestion happens to win... I'll try to get some kind of reward to you! 


    (some more pictures of the Training moose https://plus.google.com/u/0/102539800920378751435/posts/Js28ReXHbBK )




  • Janne
    Janne Posts: 21 Explorer

    Helge the moose would be perfect!

  • Lubaska
    Lubaska Posts: 1

    I would suggest name Albo. Thanks. LK

  • Janne
    Janne Posts: 21 Explorer

    Pöpö maybe? Like the f-secure trainers like to use.

  • Great suggestions so far, guys, keep 'em coming!


    // Chrissy

  • Nice ones!


    I do lige Helge quite a lot, let's keep the stage open for names until SUNDAY 2nd of June, and i shall reveal the name in London on 4th of June.


    And If you, or your friend, happen to be in London area, put already Friday 7th of June to your calendar, we shall have a meetup at 19:00 in location which will be revealed later 



  • We do have a winner!


    Helge The Training Moose


    Helge is very happy with his new and shiny name, and he also met his idol Mr. Paddington Bear earlier today at the paddington station :)

  • Janne
    Janne Posts: 21 Explorer

    weeh, thats perfect!

  • Whoa!


    In beautiful city of Londonium, there was some kind of language barrier or something, anyhow, we decided to NOT have a community meetup as there was no-one to join in Smiley Sad


    Today, instead, we do have a room full of Polish techies, and I am looking forward to see at least some of them in a local bar. Yet I am waiting to hear where are we heading to :)



  • Janne
    Janne Posts: 21 Explorer

    you can send me some coffeemugs, t-shirts and other advertisement stuff for the suggestion Smiley Happy

  •  Community Meetup at Kogel mogel

    Let's see how sideways do we appear today



  • Great company, great food and great weather. That's Poland :)

  • Hi Janne,

    please PM your postal address to me and I'll send some goodies :)

  • Janne, here's what's on the way - enjoy!





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