ji08i cedar subscription number

pls can sum1 help me on how to get sony ericsson j108i cedar antivirus subscription number


  • Hello Mickeyhano,


    Can you precise your issue? Did you order to our mobile security already or do you wish to order for your phone ?



    Thank you

  • dinu
    dinu Posts: 1

    pls can sum 1help me on how to get sony ericsson j108i cedar antivirus subscription nimber

  • Hello Dinu,


    Has already asked above, can you precise your issue? Did you order to our mobile security already or do you wish to order for your phone ?


    Without more precision we cannot really much help you.

  • Subscription
    Number is: XXXXX - XXXXX-




  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Are you having trouble logging into the forum?  You don't need to keep registering a new account each time you reply to a topic. 


    Further, you shouldn't post personal details on a public forum, such as your phone number.  I will ask a moderator to amend your post to remove personal data.


    I think you probably need to register a support ticket with F-Secure to solve this issue.



  • Minos
    Minos Posts: 1
    What is the subscription number of sony ericsson cedar?
  • Please refer to the above posts. Can you give more details on your problem?


    Have you already purchased a mobile security license?


    Note that for Mobile security


    • Android smartphone and tablet devices using Android 2.2 or later



This discussion has been closed.