Browsing Protection started blocking website advertisements as harmful

During last week the F-Secure Browsing Protection started to block advertisements (e.g. from and as harmful, thus blocking most of the websites with advertisements.
As first I though my computer was infected by virus/malmware, but running scan on my computer returned no found viruses. Also run couple of anti-malmware tools, no able to find any issues on my computer.
Is anyone else experiencing similar problems? Is Browsing Protection giving false alarms of non-harmful advertisements or is my computer hijacked by something that is not recognized by virus scan?
Hi Priority
Since yesterday I have been experiencing the same problem. My F-Secure Browsing Protection also blocks sites with and
I ran a full system scan with F-secure and other software and found no infected files.
I had it happening with both Firefox 19.0.2 and Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7.
My Browsing Protection version is:
F-Secure Browsing Protection/SW 1.10 build 5807
F-Secure Browsing Protection/ES 1.10 build 1039Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Highteq and Priority! Thanks for posting!
I have heard that others are experiencing the same strange behavior over the last week, and that re-installing the F-Secure program has been known to fix the problem. Please give that a try, and if that doesn't work, (or if it does!), please let us know and we will look deeper into the issue!
Chrissy T
F-Secure Community Manager
Hi Chrissy_T
Thanks for your response. Fortunately the problem seems to have gone away.
Initially I tried reinstalling F-secure and deleting my temporary files, and neither fixed the problem. However, about a day after my last post I was again able to access websites with advertisements without any trouble and I have had no problems since then.
Hi highteq, very glad to hear your problem cleared itself up! We may have employed an update to fix that bug, which just took a while to initiate. But let us know if you have any more issues in the future, and feel welcome to check in on the Community now and again to stay informed of new developments!
Chrissy T