Child security for ipad (custom urls)

Hi, is it possible to add custom URLs that the child security would block? There is now only pre defined categories and those do not block for example page that contains illegal movies and adult content.




  • I would be interested in this too, I want to block youtube.
  • Hi Turza and Anchovies,


    Thank you for posting in our Community!  As far as I am aware, it is not yet possible to block specific URLs, but I will make sure a Product Expert reads your posts and confirms.


    Chrissy T

    F-Secure Community Manager

  • Hi TurZa,


    As mentioned by Chrissy, there is no customized block list in Child Safe at the moment. 


    Please submit the URL in question to our Security Lab for further analysis and update our definition database.

    F-Secure Sample Analysis System
    - Please Signup an account for first time user then log on at Sample Analysis System.
    - Choose Submit a new URL.
    - Choose Parental Control should block for URL type.

    You will receive a ticket from our Security Lab after submission, our Security Lab will work on it and get back to you directly.



    Best Regards,

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