I have extensive Wireshark, Firewall and other logs showing unusual activity.

Any SSH attempts on your Mac with your firewall logs. If there is happen to be ip address.
See if i can do a ip address tracing.
It's seems like you are having the same issues as me.
I still have someone remotely control my computer for no utter reasons.
But sometimes ip address trace can lead to nowhere not unless the ISP can help you out.
What you need is the date, time, location of the place that happen. And the firewall logs.
Wow! You do wireshark.
Are you fimilar with Linux??
Connects only one computer to your router.
This time without a harddisk inside your computer.
Run only Linux Live Distro like Fedora or Ubuntu via DVD drive bay.
Watch if anything happens.
If there is some activities than someone is really hacking into your computer networks.
If you can capture sessions on your system logs via a printer running that will be help.
Like dot matrix printers hook up to your computer.
Only one computer and one printer.
And monitor.
Don't do anything.
Just to let you know that Apple to been hacked into.
So be wary of this infos that I gave it to you.
There is another one.
Which you need to know.