Health Check without any nag. - again !


There shod be a link from i.e. Computer Security, to Health Check !


And when user start Health Check, there shod be NO-NAG to run this, so then the certificate ?? from the "health-check" active-x and/or java, shod be already accepted /approved... !


And shod be accepted on the "system language".


And shoud be a pop-up in the task-bar frequently i.e 1 a month,

(run Healt Check now, (Y/n) - or ask again when restartet next time)


You have this in a formerly beta 38 ?? - why is it removed, it is a nice thing to have in handy ??




  • Hi Nmousedk,


    we dropped the Health Check from launch pad as having a separate web application on the local launch pad did not work that well for everyone.


    Link to Health Check is still available from the Computer Security help menu.



  • Nmousedk
    Nmousedk Posts: 37 Observer

    Hi again...


    I think it´s sad, to hide this great online tool away Smiley Sad


    Could  it be on the rightclick on the "Computer Security"

     - in my opinion, this would be more visual and more used.. Smiley Very Happy



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