Online Safety doesn't scan on https pages

Today I upgraded my IS 2012 to 2013. Online Safety without any addon is good improvement for browsers. I am currently using firefox with https everywhere addon.It automatically redirects to https pages if it is avalabile for the site I am trying to reach.
I noticed that if I disable that addon and try to search via google, Online Safety works fine and shows if the results safe or not. With https addon it automatically redirects ssl google page but online safety feature doesn't work while searching. Same issue with internet explorer.
Without SSL:
With SSL:
I think, It would be great to make Online Safety compatible with ssl pages.
I sent this problem to Beta Support, and this is the reply:
Since we do not use an add-in in the browser any more, we cannot intercept HTTPS traffic. Our product operates on the network level when the network traffic is already encrypted when we have access to it. This is a drawback of not having the add-ins, but it started to be very difficult to implement a proper add-in to the current browsers.
For me this is not explanation, cause for example ESET which hasn't any addons scans HTTPS protocol, so why F-Secure couldn't do this?... -
browser addins had a lot of problems... They were buggy, were not fully compatible with next release browsers(and they update very often these days), not all browsers were supported(now every is), etc....
And, thus, they really don't want to make new addins because of all those problems...
I hope they will not make a solution for this... This is no bug or someting else.
This is the main thing of a SSL connection.
My client make a secure connection to a sever and it´s not possible to "sniff" (monitors) the data´s in the conection because the server and the client got a certificate for this SSL Connection (Handshake connection)
If something or someone will "sniff" the connection, the programm has to fake the SSL certificate and this is not allowed.
This is also a reason why "NO" (i know one programm that fake the certificate... bad... very bad) Sercurity Solution can scan E-mails with a SSL connection!
The only thing what will happen.... you will see no green hook in the search results. Nothing more. If you click on a link, the Online Safety will block the "bad page"
I am really happy, that F-Secure stoped the Browser Plugin. This plugin has caused more problems than solved...