Problem Running on Lenovo Thinkpad - Computer Security Fails to Start

THM Posts: 4 Observer

Trying to install F-Secure on a new Lenovo Thinkpad X230 running Win 7-64. The TP comes pre-loaded with Norton anti-virus. Removed this with the Windows 7 Uninstall and then the last remnants with the Norton Removal Tool. F-secure installs successfully (all apps installed) and runs OK after the installation but on a startup or reboot, the F-Secure Computer Security application fails to start. No matter how many restarts, still get the same result. Unistalling/reinstalling F-Secure does not help. Also, Windows reports that the Firewall and Anti-Virus protection is turned off. Can't seem to get through this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hi THM,


    Please try on the following steps.


    1. Run the F-Secure Sidegrade tool to check and remove conflicting software.

    2. Run the F-Secure Uninstallation tool to remove the F-Secure software.

    3. Reinstall F-Secure.


    If it is still not working, I would suggest you to open a Service Request for further investigation. Kindly attach a FSDIAG together with your service request.


    Best regards,


  • THM
    THM Posts: 4 Observer

    Gary, thanks for the reply. Followed these steps. F-Secure installs successfully and Computer Security works until I restart or shut-down. On a reboot the same message appears when I go to Computer Security: "Could not start the application. Restart your computer and try again". Very puzzling that IS runs OK after the install but fails on any restart or reboot.

  • Hello THM,


    Could you please check, if all needed services are up and running?


    Click start - type "services" and open the suggested program.

    You'll find a list of all services available on your computer.


    Are all the F-Secure services up and running?

    If not, please start them.

    Also the "base filtering module" service of Windows must be running.


    If all services are OK and you still experience the issue, please create a support request.


    Best regards,


  • Hi Stephan

    I just wanted to mention that being a brand new owner of a Lenovo E530 i7  windows7 x64  I am also suffering from exactly the same symptoms as THM.

    As far as I can see, the following processes are not starting up...fsdfwd.exe, FSMA32.exe.

    when trying to start these services  from the "services" appli   ...trying to start them up manually is only working for F-secure management agent...the other one F-secure Anti virus firewall daemon gets an error message indicating that it started and then stopped.

    Will create a support request as soon as I have a minute.



  • THM
    THM Posts: 4 Observer

    Hi Vince. Please see the post I sent to Stephan just now. I believe the IS problem we see is with a conflict in a  Lenovo Enhanced Experience program.

  • Thank you THM, problem solved as well. Smiley Happy


  • patet
    patet Posts: 57 Explorer

    I hope F-Secure still can solve this problem. I'd prefer to have the faster boot enabled!

  • Just tried to download F-secure to a Lenovo ideapad running windows 7. If refuses to install after 3 hours it sticks at 75% or 97%. I have had this product for 4 days. It wont work with windows 8.1 and Explorer 11 and now it seems it wont work with the lenovo laptop. I am beginning to thinks its not wirth the hassle. I will go for something that works rather than waste my time with this poor product. I wouldn't recommendeds this product to any friend that I might to my worst enemy. 2 failures out of 2 I have used antiviral software for years and this is THE WORST.

  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer

    "Just tried to download F-secure to a Lenovo ideapad running windows 7. If refuses to install after 3 hours it sticks at 75% or 97%. It seems it wont work with the lenovo laptop".


    F-Secure IS 2013/2014 have been running fine here on my Lenovo Ideapad Z580, WIN 7, for at least 7 months, so the problem cannot be specific to all Lenovo laptops. 




     "It wont work with windows 8.1 and Explorer 11"


    Correction, it will work with  Windows 8.1 but it is not yet fully compatible with IE11. But as already stated a number of AV vendors, not just F-Secure, are still not working fully with the new browser;


     " 2 failures out of 2 I have used antiviral software for years and this is THE WORST"


    I suggest you try Quickheal or Norman Antivirus before you make any comparisons; Smiley Tongue


    " I am beginning to thinks its not worth the hassle, I have been using Mc Afee on trial with no problems whatsoever"


    Then stick with McAfee.  


    Sorry for your frustrations with F-Secure but because of the different hardware/software mixes on users machines and the fact that you tested during an early release of an OS means that some users are bound to find that F-Secure for one reason or another does not work as well as it should on their computers. 


    So I hope in the future, if you try F-Secure again, your experience is a little more pleasing!


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    It's certainly true that different users seem to have different experiences.  I have just purchased a new Dell Vostro laptop, which came with McAfee pre-installed.  I checked with the program UI and it was clearly licensed for a year, so not a trial version.  After a days use, I suddenly noticed that the McAfee icon wasn't in the system tray (by the clock), so I thought it just needed enabling in Properties.  Having gone into Properties, I found that the icon wouldn't appear, no matter how many times I tried to reset it.  I then went looking for the program (which was a learning experience itself, not being used to Windows 8), and it was nowhere to be found!  All I could find was McAfee Security Adviser, which didn't work as it kept coming up with a page that said the system was 'unavailable', and to try later.  So, as far as I could see, McAfee had simply vanished, and I was left just with Windows Defender as basic protection.  After further analysis, I can only assume that it was wiped out when I upgraded to Windows 8.1, but I found it odd that there was no notification that it had been removed, despite the McAfee Security Adviser still being there.  dunno.gif


    I then decided to install F-Secure, so found the McAfee uninstaller, ran that, and installed F-Secure TP98 (beta), which seems to be running fine, even in Internet Explorer, which I don't actually use, but did briefly test on.  I'd need to search for the thread here to see exactly what the incompatibility with IE11 is, but I ordered a curry using it last night, and FS Banking Protection seemed to do it's thing as usual, with no irregularities. 



  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer



    Incompatibility with IE11 is with the Online Safety Plugin.



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I'm on it now, and haven't encountered any issues.  BP also seems to be working OK.



  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer

    I am on my work's laptop so I will check later today on my "F-Secure laptop".


    Simon, maybe it's been fixed with the beta first? Was "Enhanced Protection Mode' enabled or disabled?


    Maybe the fix was automatically installed in a latest update of F-Secure?  I don't use IE but I would have thought that a F-Secure mod would have posted that the fix has been applied and now F-Secure is fully compatible with IE11 and therefore Windows 8.1.

  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer



    Try to access "". You should see a Browsing Protection window if the plugin is working correctly.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    @Blackcat wrote:

    I am on my work's laptop so I will check later today on my "F-Secure laptop".


    Simon, maybe it's been fixed with the beta first? Was "Enhanced Protection Mode' enabled or disabled?


    Maybe the fix was automatically installed in a latest update of F-Secure?  I don't use IE but I would have thought that a F-Secure mod would have posted that the fix has been applied and now F-Secure is fully compatible with IE11 and therefore Windows 8.1.



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    @Blackcat wrote:



    Try to access "". You should see a Browsing Protection window if the plugin is working correctly.




    So, it all seems to be working correctly.

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