password safe synchronzation code generation fails on Windows 11 laptop

WernerD Posts: 2 New Member

When trying to generate a synchronization code for synchronizing the password safe from Windows11 to my new Android mobile phone I reveive the following error message on the laptop after invoking "Connect Devices":
Obtaining a synchronization code failed, try again later"
Please not the menu items and message is translated from German to English., so they might not be exactly like stated.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,778 Superuser


    If the problem is still there, it might be good to know - were you able to use this functionality before? or for the first time and immediately "failure"?

    If a retry later was successful, it may have been some kind of "maintenance" on their servers. As such, if your subscription is alright, the only obvious thing can be something like 'network connection is off' or something blocking connection to F-Secure servers.


  • WernerD
    WernerD Posts: 2 New Member

    Hi Ukko,

    thansk you for your suggestions, the problem still exists, it never worked before.

    My subscription is alright and I am connected to the internet.

    I am an IT expert myself, so we can talk also about technical details.

    Is there any kind of log file which would show a more detailed error message why the request of the retrieval of the sync code fails? Could I try to connect to the F-Secure servers via another network debug utility to see it e.g. a firewall is blicking the access?

    Thx, Werner

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 1,916 Community Manager

    Hello @WernerD

    Welcome to the F-Secure Community. Thank you for your post.

    Can we know which version of the F-Secure app are you using? The latest version currently is 19.8. Can you make sure that you are running on the latest version?

    And is this issue only happening on your Windows 11 laptop? Have you tried to generate the sync code from another device e.g. your Android phone?

    We would suggest you to try to uninstall and reinstall the app on your Windows 11 laptop, however, before you do that, kindly make sure that you backup the password vault by exporting the entries. Below are the instructions that can help you with the process:

    1. Exporting Password Vault data
    2. Uninstalling the product
    3. Releasing a license from a device through My F-Secure
    4. Installing the product on your computer
    5. Importing passwords from other password managers

    Do let us know how it went and we are here to help you.

    Thank you and have a good day.

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