"Run on sites with restrictions"

Aansu Posts: 2 Observer

Windows 10, Firefox, Tools > Add-ons > Browsing Protection by F-Secure:

"Run on sites with restrictions"

Should I keep this setting on or off?

Accepted Answer

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser
    Answer ✓


    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user. Thus, only as a conversation between community users; not representing any official guides.

    "Run on sites with restrictions" - Should I keep this setting on or off?

    I think as it says in Firefox: "Allow only if you trust this extension".

    I keep this setting ON with one system; and with another - OFF. I did not met any difference (yet), but I do not use Firefox daily.

    As it described there https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/quarantined-domains, if you don't keep it on, you'll notice the consequences only in very limited number of circumstances. Perhaps there is no strict requirement for this option on the part of F-Secure. Only the user's desire. If it is "off", then if Mozilla Firefox at some point decides to "protect" some website that you decide to visit at that moment, then F-Secure extension will be disabled for it (so, no extra features which usually will be like adblocker, cookie blocker, for example). Like if you visited this website with 'disabled' extension. This is how I imagine this browser feature.

    Note: with Microsoft Edge / Google Chrome, there is a requirement of "This extension can read and change site data" as "On all sites" ([Windows/MacOS] Browsing Protection by F-Secure Extension Not Working After Changing Site Permissions in Chrome or Edge).



  • Aansu
    Aansu Posts: 2 Observer

    "Run on sites with restrictions. When allowed, the extension will have access to sites restricted by Mozilla. Run only if you trust this extension."

    Of course I trust this extension, so why not to keep this setting on?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    Of course I trust this extension, so why not to keep this setting on?

    If you mean why Mozilla Firefox does not use (does not enable as "allow") this option by default for extensions, then they are probably trying to protect their users from dishonest extensions (who knows how or why they are installed). And also, probably, to promote their own solutions and features. Maybe, including to establish itself as a browser or a company that cares about users, as well as their security and privacy and anything else. It would be more logical to suggest that by doing this they are trying to eliminate some kind of attack vector on their users (or using their browser/addons), which, according to their information, is often exploited - but I don't know.

    If why doesn't F-Secure switch this feature to the "allow" state after installation. Most likely, Firefox does not provide such an option and expects a decision from the user and his consent. And since (technically) this does not affect the main functionality of the F-Secure BP extension, the situation somehow does not play out around it.

    Therefore, there is no reason not to keep this setting on.

    Sorry for the short questions and long answers.
