Security Cloud not connected?

MNielsen Posts: 98 Active Engager
edited December 2024 in Device Protection

After restarting the computer, Security Cloud won't connect. Why?

Accepted Answer

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert
    Answer ✓

    The security cloud connectivity status is a bit misleading. It only updates after reboot once there is some reason for security cloud to connect. So it might be that you are accessing the same resources that you were before reboot and everything is in cache with valid time-to-live. This means security cloud has no reason to connect and it stays in not connected status.

    We have improved the security cloud status in 19.9 (currently in beta) to make this easier to understand.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    There may be a slight delay in status. If this happens for a few minutes, then it may be normal (I also accept that the UI may have stale data for longer than it actually reflects). For example, if the system boots with an unstable connection or the network connection is not immediately established (for example, before connecting to the VPN). I think there will be an auto-attempt to reconnect. And, maybe, a reliable way to check actual state is always to try to use the functionality (for example, "search query" in a search engine like Google and see if the web pages have a ranking).

    Can you tell more about your experience? How long does this status last? For days now? Were there any changes to the system before this? And is there any connection with "after restarting the computer" directly (as if simply turning off and turning on the computer will have a different result)?

    It is rare to find some kind of maintenance, and such a status can be prolonged with a negative effect on the device. With the beta solution, I may have encountered this a couple of times. And the Security Cloud was in the 'not connected' state for about three hours (probably) for no apparent reason. Then everything returned to normal before it became very unpleasant.

    It is also possible that the connection to necessary F-Secure resources is blocked for some reason. But it is doubtful that this could happen on its own. And I'm not sure what exactly F-Secure can use now to check availability manually.

    Thanks and sorry for long reply. And for any misleading.

  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 98 Active Engager
    edited December 2024

    I don't use / have any VPN. I'm using Google Chrome, and when opening that, because I wanted to write about it here, the Security Cloud is connecting. Another time, I tried several restarts before it was connected. (No internet-problems)

    I needed to restart the computer because I couldn't delete a photo, because it said, the photo still was open, which it wasn't. After the restart, I could delete it….

    Perhaps, my Dell Latitude E6530 computer is beginning to be an old wreck…….

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    In this case, it may be normal. I don't know exactly how this works, but I can assume that the status changes (or has changed in the described scenario) when trying to directly use the network within browser. Launched Google Chrome and started surfing. Thus, if before this, when trying to connect to the Security Cloud, some timeout occurred, then a new attempt was made in this way.

    Now I remember that sometimes after turning PC on (and before using any other application) - sometimes my installation also shows "Not Connected" (for Security Cloud). I try to click "check for updates" or something else, but then just start using the browser and the status changes to "Connected". So, probably, the status itself was "cosmetic" (it was saved at the time of system startup and was not updated; but this status was due to some delays when connecting to the Security Cloud or a network failure during system boot). For example, with one system - I use an Ethernet connection - and often when the system boots at login, it shows that there is no active network connection in the system (for a split second or some seconds).

    I also often use an offline system and the Security Cloud does not always get the "Connected" state right after activating a network connection on the computer.

    I needed to restart the computer because I couldn't delete a photo, because it said, the photo still was open, which it wasn't. After the restart, I could delete it….

    Yes. Of course, restarting the computer is all normal. I restart often. I didn't mean that there was no need to do this or why there was any need to do this at all. I just thought that maybe the Security Cloud goes into the "Not Connected" state only when rebooting (and another way to turn on the computer does not lead to this).

    The problem is when the effectiveness of providing protection suffers. When there really is no connection to the Security Cloud. In other cases, when such a status is only temporary (after a recent system boot or if you turned off the Internet in the system and then turned it on), most likely the local cache is used for reputation requests or anything else.

    Most likely, if all the requested objects are found in the local cache, then there will be no request to the cloud and the status will not automatically (sometimes) change. Since the UI will also keep a"saved" version of the status until the trigger is received, this can only be observed for a small amount of time.

    If this happens without any visible or explainable reasons; like everything is fine with the Internet, the system has been turned on for a long time, and so on - this is a less clear situation.

  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 98 Active Engager

    To check again manually for updates, didn't fire up the Security Cloud…

    How do I set it on offline? Deactivating the antivirus temporarily?

  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 98 Active Engager

    Still, after restart, Security Cloud not connected, several minutes

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    Still, after restart, Security Cloud not connected, several minutes

    In my understanding (and as clarified in Ville's answer) this would be normal in situations like:

    • So, let's say Security Cloud is not connected, as it says "right now" in the user interface.
    • But it was a minute ago, before system reboot / restart.
    • Then, since its local cache (of recent Security Cloud 'requests') is saved and available for some hours(?), when-or-if all the requested objects (in other words, the information that is required from the Security Cloud or the rating / reputation / verdict that you need to find out from the Security Cloud) were recently requested and stored in this cache - then the query will not go to the real "cloud". For status in the F-Secure UI there will be no trigger for updating it from "not connected" state (since product has not been connected to Security Cloud to yet after the system reboot; instead its local cache used; or better to say - product is not utilizing Security Cloud to connect for getting any data; and Security Cloud using its cache).

    I think even in the 'Connected' state - this local cache will be used for known (cached) objects. But we initiate the "reconnection" by requesting information about unknown / not-analyzed / uncached object. And so, this way the status will change in the UI.

    no trouble at all as such - because in these cases it does not mean that the Security Cloud is not functioning (as in a situation where it cannot provide you with data; failed).

    A related situation with a reboot would be using (most likely) a system without the Internet and then turning it on. If at the same time there was a saved local cache of information from / for the Security Cloud (for example, valid for some hours), then the status will not always immediately change from 'Not Connected' to 'Connected'.

    several minutes

    Thus, if your experience is only about this timeframe - then, perhaps, when the system starts, all services are running and so - try opening a browser, a search engine and typing something as a query or visiting some website (which was not recently visited, for example). This will likely trigger a "Connected" status in the UI.

    Because there is a possibility that all the objects being checked are already known "locally" and the local (offline) cache is used, still is in not expired status. No need to make requests to the 'cloud'.

    // I think its current view of "Security Cloud: Connected" or "Security Cloud: Not Connected" is a bit of legacy. This has probably been used since the time of F-Secure Real-time Protection Network (RTPN) as a wording. Where the state of connection was more relevant and fair (and temporary / frequent 'not connected' states as a result). Since the time of the Ultralight approach and cloud-based solution (in particular Security Cloud) - it would be more suitable "last connected" or "were connected" used. Because the current status (as I think) more means whether the last attempt to request something from / for the Security Cloud was successful and whether it was available (and not connected will be in a situation both when 'cloud' is unavailable and when something went wrong for other reasons). A successful attempt will mean that 'cloud' was accessible, the information was received - and therefore "connected" (although this may not be the correct term here and so improvements in 19.9 are used as in the mentioned answer). And the interface will remember this until an unsuccessful attempt of Security Cloud to use the cloud occurs.

    But as such (when all functioning correctly) - you are most likely always "connected".

    How do I set it on offline? Deactivating the antivirus temporarily?

    This was most likely about some part from my previous comment. But I couldn't figure it out.

    When I talked about using the system offline, I meant that a PC or laptop is simply without an Internet connection. Everything is as if with it. Including F-Secure. But in such a scenario - it is predictable that the Security Cloud will be in the "Not Connected" state. And after I connect the system to the Internet, the status may change (or not change instantly) for the reasons described above.

    sorry for any misleading information.
