F-Secure VPN

Have other users had any issues with VPN lately? Like past month or two.
Issues like poor browser use, sites dont load properly (you have to sort of force them), VPN just wont connect on some devices.
I like using Total but VPN is starting to become a problem and takes away value of the Total product if not working properly.
Im using primarily Win10 and Android devices. Issues seem to arise mainly with Windows 10.
Accepted Answer
We are pleased to inform you that the issue with TLS 1.3 Kyber has been resolved.
To take advantage of this fix, we recommend enabling TLS 1.3 in your browser settings. Depending on your browser, you may need to set the TLS 1.3 option to "Default," "Enable," or "True."
For more detailed instructions, please refer to the following link: [Windows/MacOS] I cannot connect to the internet using Edge, Chrome or Firefox while the F-Secure VPN is turned ON
Thank you, and have a wonderful day.
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Thank you and thanks for the tip!
That looks promising. Already figured out how to disable it in Vivaldi, will try it out.
Then only one problem remains. - Why work laptop does not connect to VPN anymore?
It's curious because at home and on my two android devices it works without problems.
Both work and home use Win10 so updates should be similar etc.
Could it be that some setting got changed so it prevents VPN from properly connecting or something.. Just guessing here.😁
Ok,Can you tell us the type and processor of your work laptop, in certain ARM-based processors Privacy Vpn in F-Secure total does not work yet. On the other hand, business-based security products are currently under WithSecure and they are generally not compatible with consumer-based F-Secure products.
It's just a regular HP laptop with Ryzen 5 4000-series cpu and what not. I've been using this same product (or its variants) on it for the past 4-5 years now.
It's not actual business security, I just use it on my work laptop since i have the larger license package.
I noticed it stopped connecting a month ago or so.
Will try to connect it thru different ISP's and see if that changes anything.
Will try to connect it thru different ISP's and see if that changes anything.
You could also try with your current ISP (while at work?!) to switch between VPN protocols.
Default is OpenVPN (as I think) and IKEv2 maybe will allow you to use F-Secure VPN.
This thing is available in F-Secure Total app's Settings, in VPN-section.
I think that some ISPs are particularly successful in identifying and accordingly blocking VPNs using the OpenVPN protocol. And IKEv2 is a little more difficult for them.But you need to take into account that if the use of a VPN is blocked intentionally, then using bypass options is not very recommended. :)
It would be strange to assume why only one of your devices does not connect to VPN anymore, but it would also be strange to think that suddenly the decision was made to block the VPN on the part of the ISP used. But I just thought that it (a try to change Protocol in use) is somewhat easier to check than to try with other networks (if it had not been done before for some reason).