Unwanted F-secure window popping

timjmorris Posts: 1 New Member
edited March 3 in Privacy VPN

Running F-secure VPN on an M2 Macbook Pro. A window pops every 5 minutes or so, with no interaction from me. I have been unable to stop this. Please advise a solution. Currently I have to turn off the VPN, which makes the product useless.

Screen shot attached

Accepted Answer


  • JohnBronsgeest
    JohnBronsgeest Posts: 1 Observer

    here also

  • deccles
    deccles Posts: 3 Observer

    Hello Support

    With the rollout of 19.8 Version 63352 we have the above problem on Mac OS X devices It appears if you only have the Password vault as part of your subscription the software pops up every 5 minutes to say you have Identity monitoring is active.

    I am on Mac OSX Sonoma 14.7 on an M1 iMac

    Please consider an out of cycle patch as it is now making the product a nuisance to have installed as it draws mouse and keyboard focus every five or so minutes 24 hours a day.

  • EagleEye
    EagleEye Posts: 1 Observer

    Intel iMac, 2017, same problems. Doesn't help to uninstall and then reinstall.

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