File shredder

Dober Posts: 4 Explorer


I think f-secure total should have an addition of integrated file shredder in future versions . F-secure licenses are pricier than some and I think a total security suite isn’t complete without one as I still use it.

2 votes

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  • Hello @Dober

    The possibility of adding a file shredder to our software has been under consideration, however, it is not currently being considered for implementation.

    When analyzing this type of solution, we take into account both the needs of customers and the direction of development of digital security. No doubt future decisions in this area will be influenced by the fact that Microsoft is making significant changes to device encryption policies in Windows 11. One of the upcoming updates will enable device encryption by default in Pro and Home versions for new installations and system resets. Microsoft also confirmed the policy change, stating that it aims to increase the popularity of device encryption. The feature uses BitLocker technology to encrypt system drives, protecting data.

    Best regards.
