Browsing Protection pop up won't go away!!

PhilipJ Posts: 3 New Member
edited August 30 in F-Secure Total

I have F-Secure installed and mostly it is great BUT:

when I am browsing and do a Google search I keep getting a pop-up over the links that are offered, mostly saying things like "this site is highly trusted" or other messages.

The problem is the pop-up covers up the actual link AND THEN NEVER GOES AWAY!!!!

If I want to click on the link to go to the web-site I have to close my browser (tried it in Edge, Firefox, Chrome) then open it again, run the search again and this time move the mouse pointer VERY CAREFULLY to the link without passing over whatever bit it is that triggers the pop-up.

Really, I appreciate the warning for if the link is to a "not trusted" website but the pop-up should at least have a "close" icon (or a 5 second time-out) in it so that I can make my own informed decision.

PLEASE somebody tell me there are a simple solution to this that I have obviously missed!!



Accepted Answer

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 712 F-Secure Product Expert
    Answer ✓

    Hi @PhilipJ

    Thank you for the detailed description on when this happens. I created a bug ticket for our team to check if we can figure out why it happens.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products


  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 712 F-Secure Product Expert


    The popup in browser should only come up when you hover your mouse over the rating icon next to search results. It should immediately close when you move your mouse away from the icon. I just tested (Edge/Windows) and it worked like it should.

    There is always an option to disable the search result ratings completely by going into settings and disabling it from there.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • PhilipJ
    PhilipJ Posts: 3 New Member

    Hi Ville, thanks for your reply.

    I did a bit of testing and you are correct that if you move the mouse pointer onto the green tick and hover for a second the pop-up appears but then disappears as you move off the tick.

    HOWEVER what I have found is, (see picture below of a Google search for "Pink Floyd") if I start the mouse pointer about where the red circle is and then smoothly move it up, stopping where the arrow head is, then the pop-up appears (as you can see) but does not disappear when I move the mouse pointer away. I've since found that moving onto, and hovering over the tick remove the pop-up so I don't need to close the Browser as I said in my last comment. This changes it from an annoying 'bug' to just an oddity that I can deal with but I thought you might be interested to see why it happens! 👍️

    It doesn't always do it, I think it is dependent on how fast or slow the mouse pointer moves over the green tick but I can get it to happen pretty reliably.

    Thanks for your attention


  • TVC15
    TVC15 Posts: 29 Contributor
    edited August 30

    Interesting, I can't get it to do it routinely, but it did happen twice in my sort little investigation. That if I swipe up (in my case quickly) from the link to the icon, the notification does stay open until I tick on the green symbol. Used Chrome.

    IMO, I'll just consider it just one of those things and tick the green icon if needed to close out of the pop-up :)

    P.S. love your search ;) :)

    F-Secure Total and F-Secure Internet Security v19.6 on 5 Windows PC's. Also, using the free version of Glasswire, just to monitor any apps. 1st outbound connection.