Why does F-Secure not work?

Alibali Posts: 3 New Member

I have had F-Secure on my PC (Windows 11) for nearly 3 months now and it has barely worked. About the only time I can access a website is via connecting to Australia ! Virtually no other country connects. I used to have Freedome which worked slowly, but F-Secure is a total waste of money. £46 down the drain and I definitely won't be renewing my subscription next year. Why doesn't F-Secure just admit this product doesn't work with BT Broadband and refund all such customers?


  • Alibali
    Alibali Posts: 3 New Member

    Thanks for that. However, that surely means that if you follow this temporary fix, then you are losing the protection against post-quantum decryption that the enabling seeks to address. For a company called F-Secure to recommend customers switch off a security mechanism is rather ironic, don't you think? From what I've read it's really up to F-Secure to fix their servers to work with the enablement and not up to the customer to switch off the added protection. So come on F-Secure, fix your problem whilst I still have some useable subscription time left.

  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 635 Forum Champion
    edited July 29

    As future quantum computers are not yet very common (at least i have not seen them in my network store lately😀),The possible missing disabled security mecanism in chromium based browsers does not worry me very much right now,Of cource we all wait for "final sollution report" which may come any day or week ahead…Not very suitable need for consumer customer to set up default browser settings in order to get normal VPN security smoothly working and i'm sure that F-Secure is well aware of this.

  • Alibali
    Alibali Posts: 3 New Member

    Thanks for getting back. I appreciate risk is part of life and you have to do assess the risk before you do what ever it is that is risky. But a risk assessment isn't just about the likelihood of the risk occurring; you also have to assess the potential consequences of the risk. In this case you mention that the likelihood of decryption is very low because quantum computers don't yet exist. I would challenge that viewpoint because that isn't taking account of the potential for scammers to harvest data now and hold on to it until they do exist (and there's no doubt quantum computing is coming). However, the potential consequences of decryption are very high - e.g. loss of banking log-ins and life savings. So once you consider likelihood and consequences together (as you would in a bog standard risk assessment), the overall risk is higher than you say. Anyway, that's my final word. I just hope F-Secure solve this soon; it's only fair on their customers that they sell a product that works. In fact it's not just unfair on their customers - it's a legal requirement they sell a product that works!

  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 635 Forum Champion

    "Anyway, that's my final word. I just hope F-Secure solve this soon;"

    I'm quite sure this will happen..😎

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