F-Secure VPN does not detect other VPN implementations(Win 11,Total 19.5)

Accepted Answer
To @yeoldfart
I agree!
If you can use a computer (+ VPN), you must understand at least enough not to use two VPNs at the same time!
Especially when free VPN applications can contain dangerous malware that can be used to hijack a computer as part of a cybercriminal botnet😒:
You can't "programmatically" watch over everyone.
Well , the question is not about my personality or knowledge, but about the better quality of consumer software. Many discussions opened on this forum would have been left undone if that observation had been in the F-Secure product, many similar software are capable of detection and prevent unnecessary conflicts during the installation phase.
You seem not to get my point.There are numerous of consumers who would benefit from detecting simultaneous vpn-drivers(ike2.wireguard,open-udp,open.tcp) active at the F-Secure VPN installation phase.Some Security VPN implementations do have the ability which is nice.
This has nothing to do with botnets above you are referring,it¨s is a feature that new F-Secure VPN simply don't have right now(at least not yet discovered),maybe some "rainy day" in the future. Maybe this discussion should have been started in the Feature Request queue in the first place…