Bankiersbeveiliging werkt niet volledig

Fred_1903 Posts: 6 Observer

Als ik inlog bij ABN AMRO werkt de bankiersbeveiling niet, log ik in bij ING dan werkt de bankierbeveiling wel. Hoe los ik dit op, wat te doen?

Accepted Answer


  • PawełP
    PawełP Posts: 367 Moderator

    Dag @Fred_1903

    We welcome you to our forum and thank you for your post. We are currently porwadzing the conversation in two languages - Finnish and English.

    Regarding the Banking Protection problem, I wanted to make sure if you are referring to this URL:

    If so, then Banking Protection should be activated for this page. If you have a problem with it on your device then make sure that you have the latest file and website reputation information from our Security Cloud. To do this reset the reputation cache:

    1. Open the F-Secure app.
    2. On the main view, select the top-left  menu button.
    3. Select Help & Support.
    4. Select Edit settings.
    5. Under Tools, select Reset reputation cache.
    6. Restart your computer.

    Let us know if this helped and Banking Protection works for you for this site.

    Best regards


    Making every digital moment secure, for everyone

  • Fred_1903
    Fred_1903 Posts: 6 Observer

    Hi PawełP,

    I have reset the reputation cache, still the Banking Protection das not work for ABN AMRO.

    Do you have any other sollution?

    Best Regrads, Fred

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser


    Just as my user feedback:

    • mentioned home page will not activate Banking Protection for me;
    • but login page will (; just as example.

    the home page is not rated as Banking Website (based on BP extension menu's information). Tried to check it with beta installation and Firefox / Microsoft Edge browsers.


  • Fred_1903
    Fred_1903 Posts: 6 Observer

    Hi Ukko,

    Thank you.

    But I dont understand what you mean. Still the Banking Protection works at ING login. Das I need to use another login from ABN AMRO? I tried a lot banking accounts from ABN AMRO.

    I still dont know what to do. What con you recommended me? Do you have any other sollution?

    Best Regards, Fred

  • PawełP
    PawełP Posts: 367 Moderator

    Hello @Fred_1903

    Thank you for your comment.

    Please let me know the exact URL at which Banking Protection does not appear.

    Also, please write what web browser you are using.

    Have you tried opening this page on other browsers and Banking Protection is not activated either?

    We want to gather as much information as possible to determine the cause of the problem.

    Thank you



    Making every digital moment secure, for everyone

  • itservecomputers
    itservecomputers Posts: 2 Observer

    Hi Pawel,

    We have the same problem.

    Thanks the URL.

  • Fred_1903
    Fred_1903 Posts: 6 Observer

    Hi PawelP,

    https : / www . abnamro . nl / nl / prive / index . html (is de link met spaties, anders mocht ik de link niet plaatsen (voor link zie ook comment itservecomputers) Ik heb Windows 10 en gebruik Google Chrome en heb geprobeerd via Microsoft Edge, maar werkte niet.

    Ik hoor graag.

    Kind regards, Frits

  • itservecomputers
    itservecomputers Posts: 2 Observer

    For us the same Pawel.

    Chrome and Edge both not working. Other banks works fine!

    Also reinstalled F-Secure browser plugins and the full Windows 11 Package, still not working.

  • PawełP
    PawełP Posts: 367 Moderator

    Hello @itservecomputers & @Fred_1903

    Thank you for providing additional information.
    I will contact the malware team on this issue to determine the cause of the problem. I will keep you updated on the progress of this issue.

    Best regards


    Making every digital moment secure, for everyone

  • Servicios
    Servicios Posts: 1 Observer

    Same problem here., tried everything

  • Fred_1903
    Fred_1903 Posts: 6 Observer

    Hi PawelP,

    Ik heb een Reset gedaan wat betreft de reputatiecache en de browsercache. Dat had ik overigens ook al eerder gedaan, toen zonder resultaat. Nu heeft het wél geholpen, de Bankiersbeveiliging werkt weer!

    Hartelijk dank voor je constructieve hulp en prettige wijze van communiceren.

    Met vriendelijke groet,

  • PawełP
    PawełP Posts: 367 Moderator

    Hello @Fred_1903

    Thank you for your post. I am glad that everything is working properly now.
    I wish you safe surfing on the Internet.

    Met vriendelijke groet


    Making every digital moment secure, for everyone

  • Fred_1903
    Fred_1903 Posts: 6 Observer

    Hi PawelP,

    Thank you.

    wanneer ik de link kopier krijg ik als antwoord: You have to be around for a little while longer before you can post links..

    https : / www . abnamro . nl / nl / prive / index . html

    (praktisch opgelost, denk ik, door spaties toe te voegen in de link)

    Ik gebruik Google Chrome, geprobeerd via Microsoft Edge, zonder resultaat.

    Best regards,, Fred

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