Changing my order

How can I renew my TOTAL order but change the amount of divaces 5 to 1?
Accepted Answer
Hello @Jykkeri
Welcome to the F-Secure community.
Your 5 device subscription has been cancelled allowing you to renew the subscription for less devices now. Do log into your account to confirm this.
@JOnes in order for the subscription to be renewed for less devices, the subscription has to end hence meaning the previous contract is void allowing users to switch subscriptions.
the service should definitely have the option to reduce the number of licenses even before the end of the order so that the order continues uninterrupted from a certain date and the customer is not always interpreted as a new customer. You should also update your online store for the 2020s,even the finnish main resellers can manage that better.However, I have often wondered where the word "clever" from that cleverbridge comes from?😀