Sometimes F-Secure Total behaves like a new install needing me to login to F-Secure & assign licence

AntonyS Posts: 4 Observer

Sometimes when I launch F-Secure Total, it behaves like a new installation and it requires me to login to F-Secure and assign a licence before I can use it.

This is very frustrating as I have a complicated password for accessing the F-Secure website and I need F-Secure Total to tell me what my password is!

This means I need to go to a 2nd device to see what my F-Secure password is, and today my 2nd device also behaved like a new installation, so I went to a 3rd device to get my F-Secure password.

This is a terrible and worrying behaviour of the F-Secure App - I could become locked out from being able to acess F-Secure.

When I enter the F-Secure login details and respond to the MFA challenge, I am then told that there are no available licences. I have to then release the licence for the device that I am using before it can continue.

It then appears to work correctly.

I have seen this happen at least 4 or 5 times in the past month. If F-Secure stops working on all my devices at the same time, then I am in serious trouble - does this mean I need to write my F-Secure password onto a piece of paper?!

Is anyone else seeing this behaviour?

I do not know what is triggering the "reset" in the app, it doesn't seem to conincide with a new software version.

I have been using F-Secure products to manage my passwords for at least 25 years, and trust in the system is critically important of course.



Accepted Answer

  • PawełP
    PawełP Posts: 310 Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @AntonyS

    We welcome you to our forum and thank you for your comment and for bringing the problem to our attention.

    I wanted to let you know that our technicians have identified the issue, and we're working on a final solution. The fix will be included in version 23.1 of our iOS product, which will soon be available to all users.

    As for the platform-specific versions of F-Secure Total, it is as follows:
    Total PC - 19.4
    Total Mac - 19.7
    Total Android - 23.0
    Total iOS - 23.0

    We understand this might have been inconvenient, and we're grateful for your patience. Our sincere apologies for any trouble this has caused.

    Best regards,


    Making every digital moment secure, for everyone


  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 598 Rock Star

    Does that "phenomenon" always happen on certain devices and platforms (windows, iOS, MACOS, Android) ?

  • AntonyS
    AntonyS Posts: 4 Observer

    It happened today on my iPhone and iPad at the same time, but I was able to turn to my 3rd device - a Macbook, which allowed me access to my passwords as usual.

    It has certainly happened unexpectantly on both of the IOS devices before today.

    I don't recall if I have ever had to perform an unexpected re-login /re-licence to my Mac/Windows/Android devices.

  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 598 Rock Star

    Thx.A similar problem with iOS devices has been complained about on this forum before.The assumption is that the next version of the F-Secure product (19.5) to be released in mid-June 2024 or the iOS version? would bring a correction to this too..Moderators will specify this in more detail or request additional information if needed…

    btw. if would be nice to know which are the offical product names(and numbers) for F-Secure consumer products in different platforms: WIN,MAC,iOS,Android…..Now they seem to have many names(and numbers) depending of platform..

  • AntonyS
    AntonyS Posts: 4 Observer

    Hello Pawel,

    Thank you, that is excellent news and I very much appreciate the follow-up and update.

    I consider this to be a very serious bug, as there was a chance I could have been locked out of my password manager. I am fortunate I run Password Vault on a 3rd non-IOS device that wasn't affected. This is the first time, as a F-Secure customer for 25 years, that I have been made to feel concerned.

    Thanks again,


  • RedJim
    RedJim Posts: 16 Enthusiast

    Hi @PawełP how soon is 'soon' - is there a planned release date for a working version? I have the same recurring issue with IoS devices periodically logging out of Total, issues accessing my f-secure password as that is saved in Total, and licenses needing to be reassigned when logging back in. This has been a regular feature over the past month and is a real problem.

  • AntonyS
    AntonyS Posts: 4 Observer

    I received an automatic update on 8th June for version 23.0.1

    This update version has the message "we fixed a bug that caused some users to get logged out of the app"

    So hopefully this issue has now been fixed.

  • PawełP
    PawełP Posts: 310 Moderator

    Hello @RedJim

    Please check in the app settings what version you have on your device. It should be version 23.0.302204.

    If you have this version installed, do you still get the problem of needing to log in again?

    Please let me know.



    Making every digital moment secure, for everyone