Hej - jeg kan overhovedet ikke finde ud af at installere ny app. Jeg har simpelthen ikke kompetencer til det, og jeg fortryder virkelig, at jeg har F-Secure - det stjæler min tid.
Forstår ikke jeres vejledning.
Jeg har desværre abonnement til december 2028.
Hvor får jeg hjælp - jeg har både Freedome, VPN og Id-protection.
Der står jeg skal kontakte support, så det gør jeg nu!
Accepted Answer
Hello @Mette_Carita3324
Welcome to the F-Secure Community. Thank you for your post.
Unfortunately, at this time, our forum only supports English and Finnish languages. However, we are committed to assisting you in ensuring a seamless transition with our product.
- You can refer to the links below for step-by-step instructions:
In summary, you need to click on "Activate New App" and log in to your account.
Please let us know if you need further assistance.
Thank you, and have a good day.