F Secure Not DeletingMalware

jacobsz_550 Posts: 1 New Member
edited October 2024 in Web Browsing

F Secure scan has identified Trojan.TR/AD.ShellcodeCrypter.argaa on my computer but could not trash it. How do i resolve this matter?

Accepted Answer

  • PawełP
    PawełP Posts: 396 Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @jacobsz_550

    We welcome you to our forum and thank you for your post.

    There are few reasons why F-Secure product cannot remove or clean the detected file after virus scanning was completed, such as:

    • The file is located inside an archive (for example a ZIP,RAR,7z etc)
    • The file is read-only media file (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM etc)
    • The file is encoded within an email message
    • The system does not have a permission to delete the file
    • The file is a temporary file created by an application, like browser downloads in progress, network streams and similar

    Open the scanning report to find the location of the detected file(s).

    1. Open F-Secure software
    2. Choose Recent Events
    3. Click Scanning Report

    Locate the skipped file in the scanning report and follow the file path, for example  C:\Users\xx\xxx\xxxxxx\xxxxxx\Try the following instructions to manually remove the detected item(s):

    1. Open File Explorer
    2. Copy the file path (without the item filenames) where the detected item is located
    3. Paste the copied path into the Address Bar in File Explorer
    4. Delete the detected file / the whole archive manually

    Note: If the file path indicates that the file is placed inside an Outlook file, then you can delete all your emails with attachments. It is possible to locate the file, but that process is complicated. The file is not dangerous, because the F-Secure program has identified the file, and will not allow the file to run on the computer.

    I hope you find this information helpful.


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