banking protection is misleading

Chavamaria Posts: 1 New Member
edited August 2024 in Device Protection


since I installed F-Secure with banking protection some days ago, there are many quite innocent pages (e.g. from Wikipedia) of my historical or psychological research that have nothing to do with banking or with paying bills, but are blocked anyway. The result is that I am hindered in my work and i cannot help but undo the banking protection.

Is there anybody who could give me an advice, please? I do not understand anything about the technique...


Accepted Answer

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser
    Answer ✓


    First of all, it would be very useful to see a screenshot of the “blocked” page or to explain in more detail “"but are blocked anyway"” in what sense and form. And what device are you using? I'll assume Windows. But if MacOS, then the situation may be slightly different.

    For example, since you are writing about banking protection, are there phrases like “the page was blocked due to active protection of the banking session” or something similar?

    If so, is it possible that you used (opened, kept open) a bank website or similar web payment pages (or something like this). Or was “bank protection” activated arbitrarily without your desire?

    With that scenarios: one way is to close / stop active Banking protection session by using a green tick at the top (when Banking Protection frame appears around your computer screen). When you 'hit' it - there should be "Finish" button. So, access to the page will be reinstated.

    another way is to allow blocked pages locally. GUIDE: Allowing blocked websites manually | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides; so you will be able to use them even with an active Banking protection session.

    In principle, such situations should not happen (as I think). Therefore, your situation may be related to something else and there is no direct connection with Banking Protection. For example, this may be a result of the enabled Content blocker function. And blocking of some specific pages in the “categories” used. This feature is described there: Editing content filtering settings | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides

    You can toggle "Content filtering" off by steps described there: Setting up protection for a child | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides


    It would be very good if you could clarify your situation a little more. To make it clear what the problem is and what type of “blocking” is occurring. It would also be useful to know what browser you are using.


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