F- secure app won't run

I have F- secure Total installed on my Android device( Samsung Tab S9 FE).
This was running well for aprox 2-3 months,but recently I've noticed that the app isn't running( on an autostart).
I don't know how this came/ or why; If this is due to that my current licens is running out( I have aprox 30 days or so left), or with some annoying( or should I say quite stupid/ idiotic) security features in Android.
In wich per default is deactivating apps wich aren't used frequently( wich many Antivirus feature do. Since even if they are installed,but just running in the background).
Accepted Answer
Hello @Thomasz29 ,
Thank you for contacting us.
The fact that your licence is about to expire has nothing to do with the functionality of the app, it should run as usual. Could you please describe this problem in more detail? Can F-Secure not be opened on your tablet? Or does it show that there is no protection?
First, I would advise you to reinstall the app on your tablet and check whether the same problem persists after installing the updated version of F-Secure. https://community.f-secure.com/internet-security-en/kb/articles/6251-how-do-i-re-install-new-f-secure-internet-security-formerly-known-safe-for-android
In case the reinstallation won't help, please let me know and we will investigate this issue. :)
Best regards!