Total claims that I haven't created Recovery QR code although I have

I got a notification that I haven't created a Recovery QR code, although I have. It was possibly after an automatic update of Total. Not only is this annoying, but it's also annoying that it asks you to create a recovery code, but doesn't tell you how. Maybe add a direct push button to create a recovery code from that dialog, or at the minimum say something like "To Create a QR Recovery code, go to Password Vault -> Settings -> Create QR Recovery Code"?
(I find it confusing that you have a general feedback forum, but only product specific "Ask a Question". I think my above feedback fits better here, although it's not a question.)
Accepted Answer
Hello @Ozone ,
thank you for contacting us here on F-Secure Portal!
We apologise for the bug that occurred, I hope this has been fixed. If you are sure that you have generated a QR recovery code, you can switch off this message. By clicking on show all tasks -> tick the box with Do not show again and then click on Ignore.
We will also forward the improvement suggestion to our developers so that this is displayed in the future version.
Best regards!