DeepGuard, MacOS 14.2.1 and zsh

Is it only me that finds it unbearable to do any meaningful work with zsh, DeepGuard and Sonoma on a M2. There are times that even changing a directory can take up to 10 to 20 seconds and for programs installed via brew (and whitelisted even) more.
I've already started looking for uninstallation options.
Accepted Answer
Hi, @adamo!
Thanks for the report. We have recently published a hotfix that should improve performance. There were several reports of degradations related to the recent product update.
The hotfix is published for F-Secure TOTAL Mac product. The products check for applicable hotfixes once per day. it will be installed automatically within one day.
You can also manually force the installation immediately by running the command below in the Terminal app.
notifyutil -p com.f-secure.check-for-hotfixes
In order to verify that the hotfix is installed, you can run this command
sudo cat /Library/F-Secure/hotfix-store/installed-hotfixes.json | json_pp
followed by admin password. It should print out that hotfix with ID 13 and name "ScannerManagerPerformanceHotfix" is installed on the system.
if the command above generates an error saying "No such file or directory", it means that the hotfix has not been installed yet.
There is a chance it might positively affect the issue that you are observing on your machine.
I would still like to inspect this issue in a bit more detail if keep happening after the performance adjustment hotfix is installed.
Let's check if there is any improvement once the hotfix is installed for you and proceed with the investigation if it does not help.
Best regards, Arthur
F-Secure Technology, Mac Team
Thank you very much @ArthurVal
Can we reopen / refocus on this sometime please? Anything I try to do from iTerm2 with zsh feels like a 9600bps modem from 1990. vi, less, terraform, direnv, all take seconds to either start or finish, even with specific rules on DeepGuard.
I kind of wonder how your own developers can actually work with the command line with this kind of performance?
In 10+ years of being a user this is the first time I am facing such issues and gripe to the point of not wanting to renew and immediately uninstall just to be able to work.