FS Protection for Mac 19.4 releases



  • Jplfsecure
    Jplfsecure Posts: 7 Observer


    Thank you for your prompt response.

    So this explains a lot, as I don't experience this.

    If I don't have both apps as scanning exclusions, both take a long to start up every time I open them. So I suspect the analysis isn't getting cached.

    For Librewolf, I installed it via disk image.

    I've already disabled “deeper analysis”, so that hasn't helped in my case.

    However, I haven't tried disabling “Use cloud-based file reputation”

    I'll try it and see if it helps.

    I do hope a future update resolves some of these issues, though, as I do like the product otherwise when compared to what I used previously.

  • macdaddy
    macdaddy Posts: 3 Observer


    I checked and have the hot fix installed but still slow - I tried repeatedly to open numbers and it is slow. Only solution is to disable the "Use Cloud Based File Reputation" option and then performance is back to normal.

    Kind regards,


  • Jplfsecure
    Jplfsecure Posts: 7 Observer

    Yup, looks like the use of “use cloud-based file reputation” is the culprit for the slow performance. Even with the hotfix.

    I have some apps added to the scanning exclusion list for now.

    Hopefully, the next update addresses this.

  • K_P
    K_P Posts: 54 Contributor

    Just to note: in my case Total for Mac does not detect even Eicar test files at the moment. Not even after re-installing the Total software.

    Might be good the check what is the situation with your Mac installations, as this indicates that there is no protection at all.

  • ChrisBarrington
    ChrisBarrington Posts: 3 Observer

    Hi Arthur...

    I ran the terminal script, and indeed the hotfix has been installed...

    I have to say I have not noticed any improvement in performance...

    I suspended F-Secure Safe for 15 minutes, and instantly my computer was back to full speed...

    So, I'm afraid it didn't work for me


    Chris Barrington

  • ArthurVal
    ArthurVal Posts: 277 F-Secure Product Expert


    thanks for the update! We are currently continuing the work on performance improvements.

    We will see if we end up releasing a regular product upgrade or another smaller scoped hotfix to ddress the remaining issues.

    We'll provide an update in this thread once we have any news on the topic.

    Best regards, Arthur

    F-Secure Technology, Mac Team

  • tempo
    tempo Posts: 1 Observer

    On my Intel iMac (2019, i7, 128gb memory) I was facing huge performance problems until I disabled automatic scanning (just disabling cloud-based scanning did not meaningfully affect things). Obviously, this is not optimal. My M1 Max Macbook Pro did not face the same problems. Really hoping an update that fixed this can be issued soon..

  • pajp
    pajp Posts: 111 F-Secure Employee

    Hi all,

    we have now released a new hotfix for both fs protection 19.5 and F-Secure Total 19.4. It includes numerous bug fixes and other performance optimisations. Feel free to try it out and share your experiences with us.

    If you're still experiencing issues we'd be very interesting in getting Support Tool diagnostics with debug logging enabled. Follow the instructions on https://help.f-secure.com/product.html?home/total-mac/latest/en/task_364793A834BD4955AD95837F0E3C3709-latest-en and ensure you reproduce the issue at hand after enabling the debug logs (e.g. if there's a particular app that is slow, use it for a while). After reproducing the issue with debug logs enabled, run Support Tool to gather the relevant diagnostics and share it with us via a DM here or e-mail to beta@f-secure.com.

    Note: ensure that you're using the latest macOS version before enabling debug logs. Some macOS Ventura and Sonoma versions have had issues with debug logging, but they should be fixed in the latest releases.

    Rasmus Sten

    F-Secure Technology, Mac Team