Sync Passwords (Connect devices from vault) gives error

Generate Sync code action does not work on the FS Prot app. Steps to repro:
Open FS Port App,
Open Password Vault
Select top right corner settings cog -> Connect Devices -> Generate sync code
I just get error "Something went wrong" Oh no. Looks like we're having issues. Please try again later. Using the Beta program instructed app.
FS Protection
Version: 21.1.8223678
Android API level: 33
OS version: 13
Owner: a63fbdb179e296fe
FCM: 15
Tenant ID: 699
I am also fs protection user.
I had some difficulties using the application. I think also on the day mentioned. For example, I couldn’t normally access the subscriptions part and some others. There were not some graphics / content conditions and a "persistent" loading logo instead. In addition, wording like 'data is unsynched'.
Then the situation has gotten better.
I have not tried using Password Vault in the named timeframe. But I tried it now. I was able to use it and create sync-code. Can you still reproduce the problem?
// tried with Android 9 device. with active Wi-Fi network connection.