Scan button on "right click menu" is gone

Dear, I dont know why but today when I try to scan a certain file, I found the scan button is missing on the right click menu.

Can anyone tell me how to get it back? My laptop is Windows 10 Version 22H2 with FS protection 19.2 Beta3.


Accepted Answers

  • Late
    Late Posts: 12 F-Secure Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi and thanks for noticing this. This indeed is a problem in the latest 19.2 beta and we'll try to fix it in the next beta.

    If you cannot wait for next beta, you can manually register our shell extension:

    1. Run cmd prompt as admin
    2. Do 'cd C:\Program Files (x86)\fs protection\TOTAL\ui_net6'
    3. run 'regsvr32 /I fsscanwizardcontextmenu_64.dll' if you have 64bit operating system. If you have 32bit OS, switch the dll name to fsscanwizardcontextmenu_32.dll

    After that 'Scan for viruses' should be available.

  • rossimessi
    rossimessi Posts: 5 Explorer
    Answer ✓

    Dear, thanks for your support. Then I prefer to wait for next beta!
