Running Freedome on Linux? Any Future Hardware Plans?

Hopeful_Future Posts: 68 Contributor
edited February 6 in Privacy VPN


I'm in need of some extreme help!

I just wanted if F-Secure had any plans to allow Freedome to work on a Linux PC?

Also, I completely trust F-Secure so I just wanted to know if there were any plans for F-Secure to release hardware products that enhance user privacy and security?

Any help would be appreciated!

Accepted Answer

  • PawełP
    PawełP Posts: 367 Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Hopeful_Future

    Thank you for being a member of our community.

    I discussed your questions with the development department and it was explained to me that unfortunately, there are no plans to develop FREEDOME for LinuxPC in the near future.

    In terms of hardware, also as of today no decisions have been made to implement solutions to provide complete protection. 

    However, inquiries such as yours are of great importance and influence the planning of future solutions. 

    We appreciate it very much.

    We also hope for the future ☺️

    Have a nice day

    Making every digital moment secure, for everyone

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