VPN start even if connected in trusted network.

Accepted Answer
On Android phone, I set Automatic Wifi protection ON and killswitch ON, but when I start my smartphone, VPN start even if connected to a trusted network. Is this normal behavior?
I tried with my Android 9 device.
Steps were like:
-> connect to Wi-Fi network;
-> set up this Wi-Fi network as trusted;
-> turn on Automatic WiFi protection;
-> restart device;
After a restart - device connected to Wi-Fi without VPN connection; // still able to use VPN manually.
Can you specify what is your Android device / version?
Also, is there any unique points about Wi-Fi network which chosen as a trusted network?
Is 'current network' still listed as 'trusted network' while observing mentioned behavior on your device?
Hi Ukko , Thank You for reply.
My settings are exactly the ones in the screenshot.
When I turn on my Oneplus 8T in my trusted home network (unique point), the Android system VPN icon appears in the top right bar of the smartphone.
If I open the F-secureTotal app, the VPN icon in the top right bar disappears, just by opening the app!
The F-secure settings don't change, they are still like in the screenshots.
Thank You.
and very thanks for your response and details!
an interesting situation, although I did not manage to reproduce it with my Android 9 device. I mean, even 'phantom' VPN logo is not there at launch.
is your Oneplus 8T already Android 13? I remember some articles that even since Android 11(+) - there were some changes about how device or applications can obtain information from Wi-Fi networks. But I do not think it should resulted with such a 'bug'.
the Android system VPN icon appears in the top right bar of the smartphone.
If I open the F-secureTotal app, the VPN icon in the top right bar disappears, just by opening the app!
Did you manage to check if VPN is actually working (before opening the F-Secure Total app)?
I mean, despite its logo in the top right bar - is your connection over VPN network? Just to understand - either it is a visual trouble (or some limitations) or something working wrong with F-Secure TOTAL (for example, not properly launched in background or something; so, opening the app is required).
Hi, Ukko
Yes, my Oneplus 8T is updated to android 13.
I assume the VPN is active and F secure is running according to the screenshots below,
Anyway, other than this "weird little situation," I'm fine with F-secure Total and Maybe the "issue" is just in some setting of my OnePlus8T , ….or just as explained in the article you were talking about that I read: "Trusted Networks feature doesn't work after update on Android 11"
Thank You For Your time
Thanks for your answers, details and response!
I assume the VPN is active and F secure is running according to the screenshots below,
Probably yes. I do not think that there would be data transmission without an active state.
I thought that maybe the VPN connection itself is present, but the traffic is not moving. Like if you open a web browser or check the IP (F‑Secure IP Checker — Check your IP address and location | F-Secure) - your connection will be displayed (and not the VPN location). And thus it would be some kind of cosmetic or visual bug (not known on whose part), as it would disappear just by opening the F-Secure Total app.
But if there is a VPN connection and it is active, it is used. Most likely, the "disappearance" of the problem by opening the F-Secure TOTAL app is some kind of necessary re-triggering move, since the application itself did not "load normally" or apply the settings (or such things) for some reason when the device was turned on.
I can recommend try to send logs and description via this routine (How can I generate an F-Secure SAFE log file with my Android device? - F-Secure Community). Maybe developers can find a reason and fix it (if there is something).
it is quite possible that there is something (as you said) specific to the device, steps or Android 13. In any case, it will be useful for them to have such a case.
Hi Ukko, thx for reply.
I tried to check the IP.
When I turn on, or restart my smartphone, the VPN seems to be effectively active with an IP similar to this: “2a03:a960:110::xxx.xxx” Country: AE
After opening the app F-secure: my IP changes in something like this: “212.172.201. xxx.xxx” Country: IT (which is the country where I am now and where the trusted network is).
However, I sent a log from android as you suggested. Hope it helps!
I'll wait for any reply to the log.
Thanks a lot.