Why does F Secure turn itself off?

Shortly after I turn on my computer, I see the F secure icon come up in the bar along the bottom of my screen and when I click on it I get a large 'F Secure' box and it says (on the right) that it's been turned off. I turn it on again and then feel I have to do an immediate scan as I'm not sure how long it's been off for.

I've been with F Secure for many years and it's always been on when I've started up my computer in the mornings. Why is it turning itself off now - and what can I do to prevent this happening?

Help would be appreciated.



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    I am also only an F-Secure user.

    Since your topic is under "Home Security Beta Programs" - does your situation is pinned to fs protection (F-Secure beta application)?

    If so, it is a good idea to create bug report via beta-portal (Centercode). With attached fsdiag and description. By this way - it will be possible to investigate trouble directly.

    However, if your situation is about stable solution:

    Good to know a bit more information. For example,

    • what is your operating system (Windows?! which version / MacOS?);
    • is it F-Secure SAFE (F-Secure Internet Security now); or F-Secure app (F-Secure Total)? Which version [F-Secure logo in the bar -- mouse rightclick -- 'About' -- version should be visible] ;
    • described 'large box' sounds as 'smart task'; is it possible to make a screenshot about? Or to tell - what is exactly this box said. I mean, """" it's been turned off""" was not about a specific feature or additional option. But was about 'entire' protection? In addition to large box - was there any large text warnings like 'protection is disabled' and greyed-out cards?

    then feel I have to do an immediate scan as I'm not sure how long it's been off for.

    I do think that when all is fine - F-Secure will turn it on / enable each boot up.

    But if something wrong.. obviously not. But to understand a reason is only possible with more technical information about. Because, as such - F-Secure solution should inform you about internal error and request a reboot.

    When you turn it on again (manually) - all is fine then until restart or system shutdown? With the very next launch - F-Secure is turned off?

    I've been with F Secure for many years and it's always been on when I've started up my computer in the mornings. Why is it turning itself off now - and what can I do to prevent this happening?

    Is it still the same machine/device? I mean, this situation is not about recently purchased computer? If so - can it be that some built-in or pre-installed tools will interrupt with F-Secure services?

    If it is the old one - any changes? Any software which was not before in use?

    Is F-Secure installation fresh or old one? Did you try to reinstall it? Maybe installation is malfunctioned.

    anyway, if this is a stable solution (not beta) - you can try to reach their official Support Channel there (Contact support | F-Secure) - web-chat is an option.

    Because it is much more easy to get a picture with access to some logs or technical information about reasons.


  • MNielsen
    MNielsen Posts: 100 Active Engager

    Have you installed some free programs recently? These CAN install some antivirus-trial without your knowledge.

    If you have a Windows-computer, go to Control Panel, Programs and Features to see if there should be any other antivirus program installed. Uninstall it, and remember to restart the computer - even though it may not require a restart - just restart after uninstalling an eventually other antivirus program.

  • julesinlyme
    julesinlyme Posts: 2 New Member

    Thank you. I'll take a look at this later today. The text that comes up is:

    'You have turned all protection off. We hope this is only temporary and we strongly advise against it'.

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 761 F-Secure Product Expert

    Please create a bug report in the beta portal with fsdiag (Support Tool output) attached.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products