Windows explorer views does not referesh when F-Secure SAFE is installed

Accepted Answer
Can be useful to know a bit more information about your setting:
-> your operating system version (Windows 10, Windows 11?);
-> how trouble with 'views' can be reproduced (for example, I am also an F-Secure user and I did notice such trouble... but how can I check it? I mean, is it like if 'preview' of .png file after changes should reflect latest editions? Or like date/size data? Or something else);
-> or it is impossible to change one view to another (without extra pressing F5)?
// there is a way to contact their official Support Channels (for example, web-chat) - Contact support | F-Secure
perhaps, they could start from suggesting F-Secure SAFE clean reinstallation (in case if something wrong with that way). Additionally, check if there is a possibility about incompatible software (another security solution or something as system tweaker).