Old F-Secure Safe in old hard drive

I have the old F-Secure Safe in my old hard drive, which was taken recently out from a dead laptop. I now have the old laptops hard drive in an enclosure and via USB I can attach it to my new laptop. With the two (new laptop+old hard drive with enclosure box) I can see the old F-Secure Safe files but I have no way accessing them.
First attempt with resolving the problem:
I called F-Secure and they didn't find my email (shouldn't be so because I have all their emails concerning F-Secure Safe in my gmail account). They sent me an FSecureKeyWin.exe file and said that if I'd install it, I could access all my data from the old hard drive (hooked with an enclosure via USB). It didn't help. It just asked to write an synchronization key (I don't know, what's that...) or create a main password. I created the latter and noticed that it just opened a new password account.
How do I get access to my old password vault?
I think I tried updating F-Secure Safe into ID Protection, faced a problem and thought I could manage with just F-Secure Safe. Well, I didn't.
Accepted Answer
Hello @notitguru
Welcome to the F-Secure Community page and thank you for your post.
F-Secure SAFE is an anti-virus together a browsing and banking protection application for your Windows, Mac, and Android, and Browsing & Banking protection application for your iOS. You can check this link for more information F-Secure SAFE — Award-winning internet security | F-Secure
On the other hand, F-Secure ID PROTECTION is a password manager that helps you to protect your passwords and is equipped with ID Monitoring to monitor your personal details for breach. You can visit this link for more details F-Secure ID PROTECTION — Secure passwords and online identity | F-Secure
F-Secure SAFE and F-Secure ID PROTECTION are 2 completely different applications with a different use.
I called F-Secure and they didn't find my email (shouldn't be so because I have all their emails concerning F-Secure Safe in my gmail account).
I tried to check for any account or subscription in our system, however, I could not find any information.
They sent me an FSecureKeyWin.exe file and said that if I'd install it, I could access all my data from the old hard drive (hooked with an enclosure via USB). It didn't help. It just asked to write an synchronization key (I don't know, what's that...) or create a main password. I created the latter and noticed that it just opened a new password account.
It seems you downloaded F-Secure KEY. F-Secure KEY is our old password manager application; however, we have migrated to the new application called F-Secure ID PROTECTION.
How do I get access to my old password vault?
Do you still have the User Data installed on your hard drive? If you do, you can install ID PROTECTION by creating an account and it will recognize the existing User Data. It will allow you to log in by using your existing master password. The User Data is stored locally on your storage such as your computer.
I think I tried updating F-Secure Safe into ID Protection, faced a problem and thought I could manage with just F-Secure Safe. Well, I didn't.
If you would like to have F-Secure SAFE (the anti-virus), you can create a new account from this link F-Secure SAFE — Award-winning internet security | F-Secure
However, if you would like to have F-Secure ID PROTECTION, you can go to this link to create the account F-Secure ID PROTECTION — Secure passwords and online identity | F-Secure
On the other hand, if you would like to have F-Secure SAFE and ID PROTECTION, I suggest you go for TOTAL which you will have F-Secure SAFE, ID PROTECTION and FREEDOME VPN. You can check it out here F-Secure TOTAL — Full online protection | F-Secure
Kindly let me know if you require further assistance.
Thank you and have a good day.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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