What to do if f secure id protection does not recognise the recovery code?

Accepted Answer
Sorry for my reply. I am also only an F-Secure user (their home solution).
I have forgotten my masterpassword, but the restoration code does not work: what to do if f secure id protection does not recognise this recovery code?
As stated there: I forgot my F-Secure KEY or ID PROTECTION master password and I do not have a recovery code. What can I do? - F-Secure Community
Not much can be done. (but, anyway, to read this article is recommended)
However, what is your situation and experience about?
F-Secure ID Protection does not recognise this recovery code - because it is invalid one (broken or fs id protection cannot scan it properly)? What is output when you try to use it? How you stored it (it is image on your system or printed on paper)?
Is it really that one recovery code, which created from this F-Secure ID Protection installation?
Then, if this is one single device, it's better to try to keep everything as it is (what if suddenly the master password will be remembered) or save some kind of copy for further experiments.
If there are another devices - to try this recovery code (QR Code) with them.
In any case, the QR Code (recovery code) contains encrypted data.. So it can be used for the installation (with 'timestamped' master password) where it was created, as a (master password) reminder to unlock ID Protection vault.
If Recovery Code is not recognized - or something wrong with recovery code / installation pair || or trouble on fs id protection side (if so - there should be more complains about this).